Modules & Components

Hello! In this category you will find out in detail what are the main components of a locking system and their principle of operation. We will cover the following modules:

  • Electronic locks – the component that performs the mechanical locking of the door.
  • Electronic keys – These are the keys / chips with which you will unlock the door.
  • Controllers – The controller is the brain of the system. It reads the information provided by the reader (which is mounted on the outside of the door and valid chips are fed to it). The controller checks whether the supplied chip is stored in the system and if so – the controller sends a signal to the lock to unlock and unlock the door.
  • Readers – This is the component of the system to which you pass valid keys.
  • Power supply – because these locks are electric they need a constant power supply to work. Here we will consider types of power supplies as well as emergency ones.
  • Accessories – Since each system can consist of different modules according to customer requirements, here we will take time for various additional modules.
  • Software

How typical mechanical locking system works?

Mechanical locking systems are locked by a protruding spike or tongue. The lock consists of a locking mechanism and a lock. The lock is standard one-sided, but if the door has weak hinges, it can be double-sided, three-sided or four-sided. The disadvantage of multi-sided is that they can only be installed during the production of the door and cannot be added later.
The depth at which the spikes enter the door is also important, as a common method for opening locked doors is to stretch (bend) the frame where the lock is.


Whatever the type of lock and however versatile it is, there is always a visible element of the lock. This is at least the mechanical lock that is directly connected to the locking mechanism. This allows thieves even without a key to attack the locking mechanism. For example, two centimeters above the lock, six millimeters to the left, a three-millimeter hole is drilled with a cordless drill (quiet and without cable) and the locking mechanism is pushed with the appropriate tool. Duration – precise, clean, quiet, fast, easy, cheap. There are mechanical locking systems that unlock from the inside without a key – it is made for convenience and quick evacuation in case of emergency. They have one significant drawback – when breaking into an object for the purpose of stealing through a window, the items are taken out and taken out through the door, which makes it easier for thieves.

Mechanical locks come in four types themselves; cylinder, spring bolt, mortise, and deadbolt. A mortise lock is the typical type of lock that you find. It requires a pocket to be drilled into the door and while it provides decent security, this type of lock is hard to install. A cylinder lock is another common type of mechanical lock and the benefit of them is that you can get different cylinder formats for different levels of security. However, these types of locks can be vulnerable to “lock snapping” where pressure is applied to break the lock. 

According to statistics, the typical time for unlocking (breaking) most mechanical locks by a trained thief is up to 20 seconds!?! In rarer cases up to 3 minutes. There are enough videos and information about this on the Internet. Here we will consider only some of the basic methods.

There are so-called dowels, which are devices through which the code of the cartridge is located within seconds, at most minutes. This method is fast and quiet, but requires skill, leaves no traces. It can be used to enter the site and to lock the lock again when leaving.

BANG effect this popular method allows unlocking most of the cartridges in just 3-5 seconds. For this purpose, special keys and something to tap are used.
Another method of quick breaking is the so-called bear paw. This is a device that unscrews the coding pins in the cartridge and it remains codeless. This is a quick and quiet method, does not require skills, sometimes leaves traces. It can be used to enter the site and to lock the lock again when leaving.
Another method is to break the cartridge. If there is a place to hold the cartridge, using the structural weakness in the middle of the cartridge, by means of special wrenches, the outer part of the cartridge is broken, after which it can be opened without hindrance. The method is very fast, relatively quiet, does not require any skills, leaves quite visible traces.
Another method is by drilling the code part of the cartridge. Relatively slower than the above, it is noisier and leaves visible traces.

Mechanical locking systems are extremely resistant to vandalism. By inserting a stick or other object or injecting glue into the lock, a locking system can be destroyed very quickly, cheaply and unnoticed and the owner can be forced to break it himself, which would cause him a lot of headaches, time and significant financial resources. funds

Mechanical locking systems do not have much functionality. If you lose or have your key stolen, you will need to replace the cartridge or the entire lock for the cash keys and remove new keys for all users so that whoever stole or found the key cannot unlock the current lock. This is a slow procedure that takes considerable financial resources.
The disadvantage of all mechanical systems is that it is not possible to choose who and when can unlock a door. Nor can it be traced when a particular key was used.
The key can be copied without your knowledge.
The mechanical keys wear out during prolonged use due to the mechanical friction that occurs during the insertion of the key and the coding, as well as the transmission of the mechanical movement of the locking mechanism.
Cash locks are widely believed to be safer than cartridge locks. But do not be fooled by their safety. With them, the unlocking time is minutes, not within seconds, as in the Patron type.
A very common method of unlocking cash locks is through a device called Hedgehog, which selects the combinations of the cash key until the lock is unlocked.
Cash lock keys are quite large, heavy, ridged, very uncomfortable to carry and use. If you have several such locks, your connection with keys is huge, heavy and annoying (especially during the warmer months when you do not have pockets).


– They do not need energy to work – you can lock and after an unlimited time just go and turn the key and unlock. The electronic ones must have electricity – batteries or mains power.

– significantly on the simple construction.


– They are not vandal-resistant – you can always see the place for the key, from where you can attack or serve as a reference point.

– Limited number of key combinations – electronic combinations are huge and can also put a time limit on how many combinations to make in a time, which makes them virtually unbreakable by this method.

– It is very easy to make an unwanted duplicate of the key – The claims of some manufacturers that no one can make an unauthorized duplicate of their keys are an outright lie. An ordinary locksmith may not be able to make a duplicate for you, but any mechanical workshop can! In addition, with modern technology, a duplicate can be made on a photo.

– Lack of control – if a key is stolen or you no longer want a person with a key to have access, you must change the lock and all keys.

– lack of functionality – difficult implementation of master systems, no information on who unlocked and when, etc.

How electronic locking system works?

Electronic locking systems consist of four functional parts. These parts can be as a whole or as separate modules. The first part is the code part of the system, which consists of an electronic key and a reader for it or a keypad for dialing a code. The second part is a control panel, which receives information from the code part and compares this information with the previously entered in it access rights for the respective code and password. The third part is the locking element. This is an electromechanical or electromagnetic element that performs the lock and is unlocked or locked by an electrical signal coming from the control panel. The fourth part is the power supply of the system, which can be mains – 220V, battery, combined – 220V and battery. There is also a fifth part, which is generally an option. It is an interface and is used to connect to computers or other devices.

These are electromechanical or electromagnetic devices that lock the door by means of a spike or tongue that is moved by an electrical signal. Because they are electrically operated, they can be mounted anywhere on the door or door frame. At the same time, it can be installed in such a way that it is not possible to understand exactly where it is installed from the outside. This in practice makes it extremely difficult to break. This, as well as the ability to operate from two locations simultaneously, make most electronic locking systems vandal-proof. 

Electronic keys, unlike mechanical ones, have billions, billions of combinations, and can be encrypted, which makes it extremely difficult or impossible to “break” electronic locking systems through the key. Also, almost countless combinations allow the use of only unique keys and thus be used to control access – who, when and whether to enter.

Electronic locking systems can be extremely vandal resistant. First, the lock may be invisible and thus impossible to attack. Second, there may be several controls, so that even if one is damaged in an attack, the other will continue to work.

Електронните заключващи системи позволяват един и същи ключ да се използва да отключва много различни врати без това особено да влияе на сигурността на заключването. Ако ползвате вече някъде електронен ключ, може да подберете ключалка за същия тип ключ и така вместо да носите тежка връзка с ключове, ще носите само един лек електронен ключ за всички врати. Електронните заключващ системи осъществяват контрол на достъпа до помещенията. Във всеки един момент собственикът може безпроблемно да забрани или разреши достъп на даден ключ до различни врати. Някои системи имат памет за събития в себе си и помнят различни събития, които са се случили – кой, кога, колко пъти и къде е отключвал, заключвал, влизал, излизал и други. Могат да имат връзка с други устройства, което позволява да се управляват дистанционно дори през интернет или GSM. 


– Vandal resistance – – High reliability and security from mechanical breakage due to lack of visible reference part to the locking mechanism; Possibility for at least double control
– Have honors unlimited number of key combinations – High reliability and security of the code. Electronic combinations are huge and can also put a time limit on how many combinations to make in a time, making them virtually unbreakable by this method.

– An unwanted duplicate of the key cannot be made on the encrypted keys – The claims of some manufacturers that no one can make an unauthorized duplicate on their keys are an outright lie. An ordinary locksmith may not be able to make a duplicate for you, but any mechanical workshop can! In addition, with modern technology, a duplicate can be made on a photo.

– Access control – if a key is stolen or you no longer want a person with a key to have access, it becomes extremely easy and fast, prohibiting only the specific key of the person! At the cost of just one key !.

– Functionality, Convenience and Practicality – Control of an indefinite number of locks with just one electronic key; Easy implementation of master systems; Tracking events and access to the system. Remote control even via internet and GSM



– They need energy to work – there must be electricity – batteries or mains power to work, and this is not convenient to provide everywhere or if it is with batteries, they run out over time and this can happen at the wrong time.

significantly more complex construction – they consist of more parts and modules

I. Electronic Locks

1. Electromagnet EMB

The electromagnet is a universal lock for outdoor installation. Locks while voltage is applied. Due to the lack of mechanical wear elements it is extremely durable and has a very long service life. There are no requirements for the condition and type of the door. You can read about their principle of operation HERE.
The electromagnet consists of two parts – one is mounted on the frame and the other on the door leaf.

It is mounted in the upper opening corner of the door for metal doors, and for all other types of doors it is desirable to put two magnets. The installation of the two magnets prevents the twisting of the soft doors (aluminum, PVC,) by double grip. It can also work without a mechanical lock. It is unlocked only electronically. A button for quick and easy unlocking of the door can be installed on the inside, instead of being done with a valid electronic key.

Advantages of electromagnets:

  • emergency safety;
  • easy installation;
  • can work in humid environments;
  • no mechanical parts;
  • mounted on any type of door;
  • there are no requirements for the
  • condition of the door;
  • can work without a mechanical lock;
  • electronic control only;
  • possibility to unlock by button;
  • mounted on doors with external or internal opening;
  • intercom control;
  • outdoor installation

We offer two models of EMB electromagnet:

  1. EMB300 electromagnet with holding force up to 300 kg.

This electromagnet is designed for rooms with a high degree of security, but with mandatory emergency safety. It can be used for any type of door and is the best choice for electronic locking of metal doors on common entrance doors of residential buildings. One magnet withstands a load of up to 300 kg on frontal detachment and is not designed to work on side slip. If you need more holding power, it is better to install two electromagnets of 300 kg each. – up and down the door, than a stronger 500kg. in one place. Except that two 300kg. they will be cheaper and constructively hold the door better.

            2. EMB60 electromagnet with holding force up to 60 kg.

This electromagnet is designed for refrigerated display cases, cabinets, wardrobes. It can be used for any type of door and is a cheap and good option for access control. One magnet withstands a load of up to 60 kg on frontal detachment and is not designed to work on side slip. If you need more holding force, two 60 kg electromagnets can be installed.

2. Electromagnetic strike EMH

These are some of the first electric locks. It is always mounted on the door frame, against the locking tongue of the lock. That is why it is called an electromagnetic strike. It is always for built-in installation. The construction of the striker allows it to be small and can be mounted on virtually any door. Mainly used are access control for doors that do not require much security, such as interior doors of offices, front doors of buildings, partition doors and more. All doors to which either the people who have access are known or breaking them will not lead to serious losses. These are some of the weakest electric locks, apart from the fact that the lock itself rarely withstands an effort of up to 300 kg, but very often the tongue of the mechanical lock itself breaks or distorts with a stronger shot.

Despite the low security, these are some of the most commonly used electric locks because they have a long life (hundreds of thousands of cycles), are easy to install and are not capricious about the precision of the door, can be used in humid environments (water turns out less harmful influence compared to other types of locks), are cheap and allow simultaneous operation with the electric lock and with a mechanical key to the mechanical lock, which in some cases is a sought-after feature. Honors all opponents are universal – they are for both types of doors left and right, turning. In most cases, the strikers are used for one-way control, because on the inside of the door opens with a handle.

– have small dimensions and can be installed on almost all doors
– withstand a large number of operating cycles.
– withstand longer direct oiling with rainwater
– They are cheap

– have a very low level of security
– there must be a mechanical lock.
– are used for convenience, do not solve any of the security problems of the mechanical locks, because the door can actually be unlocked through the mechanical lock.

We offer two models of EMH electromagnetic strike:

  1. FAIL Security.

When a current is applied, an electromagnet mounted inside the striker pulls out a pin and releases the retaining tongue. An important characteristic of these opponents is the force with which the spring inside the opponent holds the tongue. Typically for standard models this force is up to 1 kg, and for reinforced is up to 3 or up to 5 kg. This is important because there is often a difference in the air pressure on both sides of the door or the rubber seals on the door exert an opening force that can block the normal operation of the opponent. In case of damage or lack of power, this type of strikers remain locked, but this is not a problem, because you can always unlock the door with a mechanical key. When using access control systems, they must use a backup battery power supply.
With or without thumb for mechanical from blocking. – with the inclusion of this thumb the opponent remains mechanically permanently unlocked. This is used if you want to temporarily not have access control – for example to carry something. The downside is that anyone can press their thumb and leave the door open all the time without understanding.
With or without mechanical memory. – the mechanical memory serves after the signal for unlocking, the opponent to remain unlocked until the door is opened. This is very convenient when the opponent is used for intercoms – you briefly press a button on the intercom to unlock and the door stays unlocked until the person opens it. After closing, it will lock

            2. FAIL Safe.

This is a less commonly used and more expensive type of striker. In the locked position, these strikers consume relatively less current and therefore can work indefinitely. They use access control for emergency safe doors such as entrances to public buildings, where in the event of an accident or power failure the door must be unlocked.

3. Electromagnetic lock BKL

This is a Fall Security lock. The lock is universal and can only be operated electrically. When a current is applied, the electromagnet pulls out the locking spike. When unlocked, this lock consumes a large current – usually about 1A and therefore should not work for 30 seconds. In case of damage or lack of power supply, this type of lock remains locked.
It can be mounted anywhere, and the tongue can be rotated in the desired direction depending on the installation. The lock is mainly used for locking refrigerators, cabinets, shop windows, cellars and garages or as an additional security. For the normal operation of these locks there must be a fixing element on the door.

– have small dimensions and can be installed on almost all doors
– withstand a large number of operating cycles.
– withstand longer direct oiling with rainwater
– They are cheap
– no visible parts from the outside

– have a low level of security
– not emergnecy save safe.

4. Electromagnetic Drop Bolt

These are universal type locks. They are available in two versions, the mass  – Fall Safe and the less common Fall Security, which is not recommended for door installation and will not be considered due to its many shortcomings. The Bolt lock is typically mounted in the door frame, but can also be mounted in the door leaf, as well as externally. It can also be mounted externally on glass doors and frames. The lock is small in size, which allows it to be mounted on any door – aluminum, PVC, metal, wood and glass. It can be made of aluminum alloys or stainless steel, as those of aluminum alloys are slightly cheaper, but on the other hand are many times weaker than those of stainless steel. It is installed as an additional lock for locking. For its normal and trouble-free operation, a very good alignment of the door is required and for this it needs a mechanical lock to fix the door in the closed position. The Bolt-type electromagnetic lock locks the door with a single spike. The lock has a built-in microprocessor control and has a built-in sensor for a closed door and a sensor for the status of the locking spike – unlocked locked.

Without power, the locking spike retracts with a spring. This makes this lock accident safe, because in case of an accident or lack of power it will unlock. And in the locked position it consumes direct current – 100 mA, which if the lock is connected to an emergency power supply with a 7 Ah battery, guarantees at least 2 days of normal operation. Add to that the fact that the stainless steel bolt lock withstands an effort of over 1000 kg. and the locking spike self-locks against forced retraction with pressure, making this lock ideal for doors of homes, offices, common entrances and others where security and emergency safety is sought.

It can work in two operating modes – manual (a command to lock and lock must be given) and automatic (when the door is closed, the lock locks automatically). It is unlocked only electronically, by electronic keys. When dug (hidden) installation is not visible from the outside, thus it is not understood about its existence or exact location, which in the event of an attack will save the site. And the mechanical lock deflects the effort for alternative methods of breaking, being a lure for possible thieves who will go to attack it directly, but the Type Bolt lock will keep the door locked. The lock works on the following principle: after the closed door sensor (located in the opposite plate) gives permission, the lock can be locked. When locked, the microprocessor initially supplies maximum current (about 1A) to the solenoid in the lock to bring the spike to the locked position (and therefore has a built-in sensor).

After the spike comes out in the locked position, the microprocessor waits for 3 seconds. to stabilize and reduce the current of the electromagnet to 100mA, enough to keep the spike in the locked position. This saves energy and the lock can run longer on battery power, providing maximum protection. During installation, a guaranteed exit of the entire spike in the locked position must be ensured, because if the spike does not come out completely, the lock will make continuous attempts to lock with maximum current (the spike will knock constantly) and if it can overheat the electromagnet for too long (hours) and get damaged.

– completely hidden indoor installation;
– the presence of this type of lock is not understood;
– the exact location of the lock, which protects it from encroachment, is not understood;
– emergency safe (if there is no emergency power supply, it automatically unlocks when the power supply fails);
– provides a serious lock;
– electronic control only;
– built-in sensor for monitoring the position of the door – open / closed;
– small size – possibility for installation in aluminum windows;
– mounted on any type of door;
– mounted on external or internal door opening;

* изисква много добре фиксирана врата;
* минимална мощност за придвижване на шипа – изисква задължително свободно придвижване.

We offer three models of EMH electromagnetic strike:

1. BKB100 for internal mount.

2. BKB102 for external mounting.

            3. BKB30 for Glass Doors

II. Electronic Keys

Electronic keys are typically chips or devices that transmit code or process code. They have different shapes and an almost unlimited number of combinations, allowing each key to be unique. Even with extremely powerful computing and code-finding algorithms, it will roughly take about 4,000 years to stay in front of the door to break the electronic key code.
Also, the systems can record and record when and which key had access to the lock. These functions are not possible for mechanical keys. In addition, electronic switches have no mechanically worn parts and are extremely ergonomic, comfortable and reliable, with a very long service life and a high degree of security.

Electronic keys allow the same key to be programmed to unlock many locks, eliminating the need for a heavy connection to mechanical keys. Electronic keys can be deleted, temporarily disabled or allowed to work in the system. If you lose an electronic key, all you have to do is go through the locks it unlocks, delete it, and save a new one in its place. This does not affect the other keys stored in the system in any way. With mechanical locks, all keys have the same code and in case of loss or theft of a key you will have to replace the whole lock with a new one and all the keys to it.

Standard or Encrypted keys:

They are the safest. They have no breakthrough options – even difficult ones.

The key enters an energy field or interrogation signal emitted by the reader to prompt the keys within its range to transmit the code. (Imagine a doorman at the door constantly asking “what’s your name” and a person standing in front of the door hearing the question and answering)
The key transmits its identification number. (the man says Ivan Petrov)
The reader receives it and transmits it to the management. (The doorman hears the name and enters it into a computer)
The control compares it to have such a code in the key memory and if it has it, subtracts an individual algorithm for the key, generates a random number, sends it to the key and to the extracted individual algorithm. Passes the random number through the individual algorithm and saves the result to compare it with the result that will give it the key. (the computer returns a result whether a person with such a name can enter and if it is “yes” asks him an additional random question (eg Mimi, Ivan, Peter, Sonya) .The same name enters it in the computer, which gives him the individual answer to the name in question). . (for example for Mimi-classmate, Ivan-neighbor, Peter-friend, Sonia-teacher))
The key receives the random number and passes it through the individual algorithm concluded in the key, the answer sends it to the reader. (the person receiving a name must answer what it means to him (for example, to Mimi-classmate, Ivan-neighbor, Peter-friend, Sonia-teacher))
Management compares the two results and if they match unlocks. The doorman compares the answer to the random names of the person and the computer and if they are the same opens)

They are much more secure and solve many of the problems of unencrypted keys

The advantage of some models of encrypted keys is that they can work with both encrypted and unencrypted systems, so you can have only one key for all doors. While maintaining maximum security for doors with encrypted systems. No duplicate can be made on them
1. The key enters an energy field or interrogation signal emitted by the reader to prompt the keys within its range to transmit the code. (Imagine a doorman at the door constantly asking “what’s your name” and a person standing in front of the door hearing the question and answering)
2. The key transmits its identification number. (the man says Ivan Petrov)
3. The reader receives it and transmits it to the management. (The doorman hears the name and enters it into a computer)
4. The management compares it to have such a code in the key memory and if there is one, assigns it an additional password to which the key must respond correctly. (the computer returns a result whether a person with such a name can enter and if it is “yes” he asks a question (password to unlock) for the person’s PIN)
5. Waiting for a password response and if it matches the required response it unlocks. (The doorman receives the PIN from the person and compares it to see if it matches the name and if so – opens it)
The only way to get the code of the encrypted systems is to make a device that eavesdrops on the protocol between the reader and the encrypted key and then emulate this protocol. This is quite complicated and expensive, and in most cases the passwords are individual by name.

They are the safest. They have no breakthrough options – even difficult ones.

The key enters an energy field or interrogation signal emitted by the reader to prompt the keys within its range to transmit the code. (Imagine a doorman at the door constantly asking “what’s your name” and a person standing in front of the door hearing the question and answering)
The key transmits its identification number. (the man says Ivan Petrov)
The reader receives it and transmits it to the management. (The doorman hears the name and enters it into a computer)
The control compares it to have such a code in the key memory and if it has it, subtracts an individual algorithm for the key, generates a random number, sends it to the key and to the extracted individual algorithm. Passes the random number through the individual algorithm and saves the result to compare it with the result that will give it the key. (the computer returns a result whether a person with such a name can enter and if it is “yes” asks him an additional random question (eg Mimi, Ivan, Peter, Sonya) .The same name enters it in the computer, which gives him the individual answer to the name in question). . (for example for Mimi-classmate, Ivan-neighbor, Peter-friend, Sonia-teacher))
The key receives the random number and passes it through the individual algorithm concluded in the key, the answer sends it to the reader. (the person receiving a name must answer what it means to him (for example, to Mimi-classmate, Ivan-neighbor, Peter-friend, Sonia-teacher))
Management compares the two results and if they match unlocks. The doorman compares the answer to the random names of the person and the computer and if they are the same opens)
Advantages of systems with transcoder keys is that they do not exchange passwords. Thus, whoever listens to the whole protocol will hear only random questions and random answers, the meaning of which will be known only by the management and the key. The very algorithm of answers to the questions remains hidden and no one has access to it.

1.RFID electronic keys:

Тhe most common electronic keys. The typical principle of operation is the following:

1. The reader emits a constant electromagnetic field.
2. When an RFID key enters this field, it transmits its identification code.
3. The reader decodes the digital code signal that it transmits to the control to decide whether this key has the right to unlock.

There can be no iron or other material that absorbs the electromagnetic field between the reader and the key, as well as in the immediate vicinity. The advantage of these keys is that they work non-contact from 1 cm to 20 cm depending on the construction of the reader and the key. Contactless operation allows you to hide the reader behind non-metallic surfaces. The disadvantage is the more complex construction of the reader and the greater vulnerability of electric shock sticks in close proximity to the reader. Contactless RFID keys can be read from a distance of up to about 20 cm without anyone knowing about it, through a device the size of a cigarette box.

2. iButton electronc keys:

The connection (reading) between the key and the reader is made by touch (electrical contact). Thus, the code is very difficult to eavesdrop on unnoticed. This is the reason why contact key readers are visible and cannot be hidden. On the other hand, the principle and simplicity of operation makes these readers more secure, reliable and vandal-proof. The most common model of contact electron switches are type iButton, which are extremely ergonomic, comfortable and reliable, with a very long service life and a high degree of security. The electronic key has a 64-bit code, which means that there are 1800000000000000000000 combinations. The reader for these keys is vandal-proof and protected against electrical attacks. Encrypted iButtons are one of the most secure electronic keys have the highest class protection – they can work as transcoders, encrypted keys and ordinary. But even unencrypted ones can’t be copied without you knowing.

3. Keyboard (+RFID keys) :

this is one of the oldest and begging methods for entering code.
The advantages are:
– Many people can know the code and it is much cheaper than many keys.
– there is no way to steal or lose the key (there is simply no such)
– quick and easy code change.
Disadvantages are:
– The keyboard is visible and the code you are typing can be seen. Especially now that video cameras are so small and affordable.
– with a thermal imaging camera you can see the code you made a long time after dialing the code.
– weaker vandal resistance.
– You can’t limit or know how many people actually know the code.
– the limited number of combinations.
– the chance to forget the code if it is longer.

4. Radio remote control :

Works by transmitting a radio signal with a code at a distance of about 100m. A radio in the control receives the radio signal and decodes it. The advantage of radio remotes is that they do not need readers and have no visible elements. They cannot be affected by vandalism. The disadvantage is that the signal is spread over a long distance and can be easily recorded or listened to. Valcor remote controls have a 64-bit code. They have a jumping code, which means that each time you press a button, a different code is emitted that would be difficult to track. In Valcor remote control systems, an anti-code scanning system has been introduced and it is not possible to penetrate the system by listing random combinations at random. The disadvantage of remote controls is that they work with a battery that can be worn out at the wrong time. They can also be damaged by wetting, shock and others. Another disadvantage is that it can be muted voluntarily or involuntarily and the signal can not reach the control panel at this time (the remote does not work).

III. Controllers for electronic locks

1. RFID controllers and iButton Controllers

Controllers are the brains of a locking system. For over 30 years we have been offering secure and reliable controllers and developing them with each passing year to hold leading positions in the market. More and more detailed information about them can be found on their page HERE

2. Remote Control via Radio Relays

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely (such as cars). In this case, there is no need to remove the reader from the outside of the door and the locking system is completely invisible. You can read more about the radio modules HERE

2. Remote Control via GSM

Nowadays, the telephone is an integral part of our daily lives. With Valcor GSM modules you can unlock or lock the door with one free phone call. Larger models Communicators also have several control outputs and you can turn on and off various appliances such as water heaters. The biggest advantage of GSM communicators is that they do not need the Internet to work. It is enough to have only a range.

IV. Electronic Readers

Most electronic locking systems work on 12V supply voltage. If you don’t have a 12V DC source, don’t worry. We offer converting power supplies from 220AC  to 12V DC.

2. RFID readers

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely via relay modules. Control your phone without the need for internet. You can read more about this here Valcor GSM

2. iButton Readers

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely via relay modules. Control your phone without the need for internet. You can read more about this here Valcor GSM

V. Power Supply

Most electronic locking systems work on 12V supply voltage. If you don’t have a 12V DC source, don’t worry. We offer converting power supplies from 220AC  to 12V DC.

2. 12V Power supply

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely via relay modules. Control your phone without the need for internet. You can read more about this here Valcor GSM

2. DIN rail power supply

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely via relay modules. Control your phone without the need for internet. You can read more about this here Valcor GSM

2. 14V Power Supply

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely via relay modules. Control your phone without the need for internet. You can read more about this here Valcor GSM

VI. Accessories

Most electronic locking systems work on 12V supply voltage. If you don’t have a 12V DC source, don’t worry. We offer converting power supplies from 220AC  to 12V DC.

2. Exit Button

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely via relay modules. Control your phone without the need for internet. You can read more about this here Valcor GSM

2. Brackets

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely via relay modules. Control your phone without the need for internet. You can read more about this here Valcor GSM

2. Intercom Relays

Electronic locking systems can also be controlled remotely via relay modules. Control your phone without the need for internet. You can read more about this here Valcor GSM

VII. Software

We offer two models of EMB electromagnet: